Thermal insulation products for buildings and for industrial installations are certified and labelled with the KEYMARK and/or VDI mark "Überwacht nach VDI 2055". The rules were elaborated by the European Quality Assurance Committee (QAC), a combination of the former Scheme Development Group 5 (SDG-5) and the VDI-AG Gütesicherung.
The QAC is the European certification committee bringing together the interested parties like manufacturers, Testing Laboratories and Certification Bodies, active in the field of thermal insulation products. It is responsible for drafting the specific scheme rules that apply for KEYMARK certification of thermal insulation products.
The tasks of the QAC are:
- Drafting and updating of codes of practice for the quality assurance
- Measures for the area of heat and cold protection of operational installations
- Acknowledgement of registered Resting Laboratories and Inspection Bodies
- Acknowledgement of accredited quality protection alliances for voluntary quality assurance
- Appointment of Certification Bodies
- Advisory service for institutes and Testing Laboratories in professional and formal questions
- Supervision and checking of Testing Laboratories
- Cooperation in European and international bodies for quality protection
- Additionally, the QAC serves as arbitration committee in case of conflicts and complaints, which occur between participants in the context quality assurance.
QAC Member Documents
All Scheme Group documents (meeting minutes etc.) are available here. Please contact the QAC secretariat via