Europa mit PunktenSolar thermal products contribute importantly to the conservation of fossil fuels. With high efficient solar thermal systems it is possible to cover up to 70 % of the annual need of primary energy required for hot water supply. Space heating systems can be supported efficiently by using solar energy. Thus, solar thermal systems with a high efficiency and environmental friendliness are a meaningful addition to traditional heating systems using fossil fuels.

Besides the solar collector efficiency, for planner, installer and consumers also the usability, safety, and reliability are part of their product decision. Certificates and quality marks of an independent certification body can support the purchase decision, and provide confidence in having bought a quality product.

Thus, in 2003 the European Solar Thermal Industry, major testing laboratories, and DIN CERTCO decided to develop scheme rules as a unified and simple solution in order to get solar thermal products recognised all over Europe.

The Solar KEYMARK Network (SKN) has created a certification scheme for solar thermal products including

  • solar collectors (flat plate, tube, and PVT)
  • whole solar thermal systems
  • storage tanks
  • controllers

KEYMARK - Tested and Certified Once, Accepted Everywhere!

keymarkThe Europe-wide uniformed certification scheme for solar thermal products shows all reuirements of the European Standard are tested and surveyed by neutral, independent and competent bodies. That improves the confidence of users and consumers - throughout Europe. The Solar KEYMARK has since become the most successful KEYMARK scheme and more than two thirds of collectors sold are Solar KEYMARK certified.

What are the Benefits of the Solar KEYMARK for Consumers?

  • high quality products,
  • guarantee that the product sold is identical to the tested product,
  • confirmation that products are FULLY tested according to the relevant standards,
  • eligibility for subsidies.

What are the Benefits of the Solar KEYMARK for Manufacturers?

  • simpler testing procedure,
  • one test valid for all European countries,
  • freedom of choice amongst the accredited test labs,
  • easier introduction of new products in different European countries,
  • simplified procedures for replacing components in certified products.

All information about the Solar KEYMARK including Schem Rules, SKN, valid certificates etc. is available via the link 

Explanatory Video KEYMARK Certification

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