Thermostatic radiator valves according to the EN 215 underlying the certification scheme are labelled with the KEYMARK. The rules were developed by a specific European certification committee.
This European certification committee brings together all interested parties like manufacturers, Testing Laboratories and Certification Bodies, active in the field of thermostatic radiator valves. It is responsible for drafting the specific CEN KEYMARK Scheme Rules that apply for KEYMARK certification of thermostatic radiator valves including:
- requirements for the.inspection of the manufacturer's Factory Production Control (supported by CCC3 Inspection Bodies Working Group Meeting)
- testing of the product samples
- conformity assessment of the certification relevant documents
- requirements for Testing Laboratories and organizing European Round Robin Tests for TRVs (supported by CCC3 Monitoring Group)
- clarification of all technical question related to testing, inspection and EN Standard (supported by CCC3 Technical Committee)