2018-12, Berlin
New CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 4 "Certification"
In 2018, CEN decided to replace the former CEN Certification Board (CCB) by the new established CEN KEYMARK Taskforce (KTF). Thus, the CEN-CENELEC Internal Regulations, Part 4 which are the basis for all KEYMARK systems, needed to be updated to take this change into account. They are now available in the current version of 2018-07.
Rights and duties of CEN KEYMARK Taskforce
Role and definition
The CEN Keymark Taskforce (KTF) is established by the Administrative Board Consultative Committee Policy (CEN/CACC POL) to supervise the daily administrative management of the Keymark. All conformity assessment policy matters are discussed by CEN/CACC POL.
KTF is responsible to ensure the efficient supervision and follow-up of the daily administrative management of the KEYMARK and, in particular, for the following tasks:
a) evaluation of the business plan of the KEYMARK Management Organization (KMO) regarding the daily and administrative management and development of the KEYMARK;
b) evaluation of the progress reports from the KMO and followup on the progress in the market penetration and acceptance of the KEYMARK;
c) evaluation of new operational proposals from the KMO and, when relevant, recommendation to CEN/CACC POL for amendments to the scope of the KEYMRK, such as:
- changing the annual KEYMARKLicence Fee;
- changing the obligations and requirements for the empowered Certification Bodies.
d) yearly reporting to CEN/CACC POL on the achievements of the KEYMARK;
e) recommendations to CEN/CACC POL to review, renew, terminate or establish a new service contract with the KMO
f) to be the “mediation” body for the resolution of KEYMARK complaints.
The KTF meetings will be convened by the Convenor at least once per year or at the request of a KTF member. Meetings are organised by web conference, but physical meetings may also take place if necessary. If needed, the KTF may also take decision by correspondence, including approval of documents.
In all cases where a decision is required, KTF will decide by consensus.
The KTF is composed of:
- Convenor
- Representative of those CEN Members with a specific interest in the KEYMARK
- Secretariat: CCMC.
The KTF Convenor may invite the Keymark Management Organisation and other experts to take part in KTF meetings to discuss specific topics related to the KEYMARK.
The Convenor is appointed by CEN/CACC POL among the representatives of those CEN Members with a specific interest in the KEYMARK. CEN/CACC POL, when appointing the KTF Convenor may take into consideration the following criteria:
a) Experience:
- working knowledge of CEN;
- relevant experience on certification matters;
- good international experience.
b) Resources:
- financially supported by the relevant CEN Member.
CEN Members
Any CEN Member having an interest in the Keymark may appoint one representative in the KTF. The representative is expected to have a sound understanding of the KEYMARK and to contribute actively to the work of the KTF.
CEN/CACC POL appoints the KTF Convenor for a term of office of 3 years, renewable.
CEN Members
The CEN Members may appoint KTF members at any time. An updated list of KTF Members will be provided to CEN/CACC POL every two years.
Secretariat: CEN-CENELEC Management Centre
The Secretariat of KTF is held by the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre (CCMC) with, inter alia, the following tasks:
- Follow-up of the decisions of KTF;
- Liaison with the KMO and reporting to KTF;
- Executing relevant measures required to ensure the legal protection of the KEYMARK;
- Ensuring the registration and protection of the CEN certification marks as a trademark in coordination with the KMO;
- Ensuring that decisions and activities of all involved stakeholders and operators do not conflict with the CEN bylaws.
The Convenor may request anytime KTF representatives to maintain the confidentiality of identified information that is circulated either during the KTF meeting or by other means.
The working language of KTF is English.
The new CEN-CENELC Internal Regulations, Part 3 "Certification" are available here.
Your KEYMARK Management Organization